Saturday, January 31, 2009

Singapore, the Ranked City

Everything is ranked in this tiny-island-city country called Singapore. There is nothing random here.
 Singapore’s airline is ranked No. 1 in the world in 2008.
 Singapore city (the Garden City as it is popularly known) is ranked as one of the greenest cities. There’s a strict cap on the number of vehicles allowed on the island, and there are fees for driving in downtown zones.
 Singapore city is ranked as one of the cleanest cities. Spitting is banned; first-time violators may be fined $611, while repeat offenders might find their picture published in the newspapers. Littering is also verboten ($611 or community service), as is smoking in public places ($611). The subway stations could pass for hospitals, and even restrooms are ranked by cleanliness. Remember to flush or, yes, you may get fined up to $92.
 Street food stalls are all graded. There are more than 120 centers—with a total of 16,000 stalls—all over the city. All the food stalls are again ranked and graded: A (for good food and hygiene), B (for okay) and C (for not good) and the owner have to display the grades on the sign board at all times.
 Singapore has been ranked as the world's third top convention city in 2003 by the International Congress & Convention Association (ICCA).
 Singapore is the world's easiest place to do business
 Singapore’s oldest university, NUS is ranked 20 and its faulty of engineering is raked No. 9 and MBA program ranked No. 30 in the world.


  1. and the ranks are purely attributed to excellent leadership.
    it just reiterates that leadership matters at all levels...

  2. I atrribute their success to having the guts to brutally enforce the rules and regulations - unlike in our own Shangri-la where rules and laws are announced and then promptly forgotten.

    However, their success and achievements have been at a cost. Singaporeans are the dullest people since they have been "herded" throughout their lives and thus they have been robbed of their sense of adventure and fun. They are so dull.
