Friday, January 30, 2009

Learn to say “Thank You”

It seems to me that saying “thank you” is so hard for a great many people. The other day, a group of college students were shouting for the bus to stop, even though the bus had already passed the bus-stop. Actually as per rule, the driver could drive on. But out of goodwill, the driver stopped the bus and let in the students. To my surprise none of the students said, “thank you” to the bus driver. They simply went inside the bus without a single word of gratitude. This kind of attitude always upsets me. How much does it cost to shout out a little “thank you”? A simple “thank you” makes people feel good. It makes them feel acknowledged and accepted. On the other hand, not saying thank you (especially when the person truly deserves) can make a person feel rejected and ignored. So I ask you all wonderful folks: do remember to say “thank you”. Say “thank you” when other people point out your mistake because you can’t possibly know everything. Say “thank you” when people do things for you no matter how small it is.

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