Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Nothing is impossible for Obama

When Obama ran for presidency, I thought he could never win. First and foremost, he was black and he had such humble background traceable to a tiny village in Kenya. There had never been a black president in the history of America. But he proved me wrong. He proved that you could be anyone you wanted. A colored man becoming the head of the world’s most powerful nation is simply amazing to say the least. As a Fulbright Fellow, I am always grateful to this nation for giving me a chance to learn and study from the best. By electing a president based not on color but merit, this country has once more shown us that it is still the best. Good luck, Obama.

1 comment:

  1. He is a great leader. Engages everybody and inspires them. A visionary grounded in realities. Like you say.. he will go a long way..
